Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow and Political Opinion

I found the polar icecaps. They're in my back yard. I don't know how they managed to migrate, but really, some one can take them back whenever their ready. I don't need them. And if any more snow shows up on the drive way, I'm buying a flame thrower. There is too much snow and I will wage war if I have to.

When it comes to be the middle of February, snow looses it's magic of warm fires and hot chocolate. I want spring flowers. I want green trees and I want to play in the spring rain. And catch pneumonia and die, of course. (My mother doesn't like me playing in the rain.) But with the cold weather, it really does make you wonder about global warming, doesn't it? This year has been one of the coldest. I don't think I even went swimming last summer it was so cold out. What I would like to see are the fact on this "global warming/climate change" thing. Those scientist and government people prance about shouting about the end of the world thanks to humans and their cars, but I want to see their facts. Mainly the ones I hear were destroyed recently. Those intrigue me the most. Why destroy the papers unless they go against global warming? Whose to say the Earth doesn't do this on it's own? Or that it has a mind of it's own and enjoys messing with our heads. If I was Earth I would certainly enjoy causing as many problems as I could.

I like the environment, I really do, but I have to say I don't go with this whole global warming thing. From the looks of it, it's just some random crap the government made up because they were bored. They could have done something more useful with their time like actually attempt to help New Orleans in a more useful manner. Same goes for their helping Haiti. The American people are doing a wonderful job raising money to help and I adore what the Harry Potter Alliance has done, but the government could have handled so much better if they just tried.

Right, enough ranting I think. Now to some better news.

It seems that I have a job! YAY! I am no longer in the land of broke college students... Well, still broke, but I have a form of income. That always helps out in life. Hopefully I'll be able to afford a car eventually. I would really enjoy having my own to take places. It would make things so much easier with school and work. Then I won't have to work around the schedules of others. And then I'll buy a GPS so I'll get lost less often and then I'll get a macbook. I've always wanted one. So far, it seems 2010 will be a much better year than 2009. That really had been a bit of a miserable year.


Unfortunately, I've done no more writing since my last post. Too much school work. =(

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chapter 1, Wantons, and Doppelganger...

Chapter one of my story is finished. Yay! But I haven't had time to write since then! School has eaten my soul. Normal classes probably wouldn't be too bad, but those online ones. Jeese! They're eating my soul. And just for today, I need to do my math homework, finish my English paper, read through chapter 2 and 3 of Astronomy, do the homework for each chapter as well as the tests, and read through chapter 2 of Psychology. There is not enough time in the day. Espesally when all I want to do is bake things, read, or write. Or, even better, do all three at once!

But, point is, I finished one chapter. That's one more chapter than last time I posted. I full chapter more. I was able to keep my mind concentrated long enough to write a chapter. The first chapter. I hate writing the first chapter since I never know how to start. But I started it.

If you can't tell, I'm very excited about this.

Want to know what else excites me? I made wonton soup today. From scratch. I bought a pound of bone out pork. Half for the wontons the other half for dumplings I plan on making later this week. And then oyster sauce, sesame oil, soy sauce, white pepper, and green onion. The best part is the fact that it actually taste like wonton soup. I was afraid I would mess it up completely, but it actually turned out quite amazing. Had it not turned out, I don't know what I would have done other than continue to crave Chinese food which my family refuses to order. But I got my soup, so I'm happy.

And now for the Doppelganger part of my title. So, this week is apparently Doppelganger week on Facebook. It took me forever to find a famous person I looked like, but I think I managed pretty well. I used a program online that would look for famous people who matched my facial features and it actually worked. The program decided I looked like Christina Ricci who played Wednesday Addams. =D

Well, I guess that's about all for the day.


Words: 2,304
Pages: 3 (9pt font)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Writing and Band Concerts

Middle school band concerts. Not something I find to be enjoyable. I get to watch small children play instruments, sometimes poorly, for an hour. During this time, I'm not allowed to read, listen to my own music, go off to find people to talk to, or leave in any way. Trapped. Horribly and awfully trapped. And this is the joy and get to endure tonight as my little brother plays his drums.

Not that I have anything against the band. I love the band, just not the middle school ones. I have a personal vendetta against the middle school in general. Out of all the public schools I sat through and learned, middle school was the closest to Hell any of them ever got. Not even high school was as bad as middle school. Seventh and eighth graders have it the roughest. It's basically one large bitch fest the entire time your there. And then the smaller weaker one get pushed to the library where they slowly loose their sanity before become insanely cool. Well, most of the time. It's those kids who grow up being able to party like their drunk while being sober and act high while completely clean. So, maybe it was good in the long run. Or maybe I just found awesome library friends. =3

And while on the subject of libraries, bringing my thought process to books, I like writing things. And being that I like writing things, I figured this would be great to use to mark progress in my writing efforts.

Having been trying to write a book for years, it gets to be very annoying once you realize you don't have the attention span for it. But now that I've sorted out a few things like time management and school, I can sit down and write. This is something I've been meaning to do since last summer, but was too busy running around the country with her family. Even if I can't quite remember what she did last summer. =/

But, from now on, every time I post, I plan on adding at the bottom a thingy saying how many pages and how many words. It should be a good way to track my writing progress.

And one more thing. Check out It's a wonderful site.


Pages: 1 1/3
Words: 1073

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A blog?

A blog? What is this madness? I'm not interesting enough to write a blog! Oh, right. I was randomly inspired today while watching a fiveawesomegirls video on Youtube. I love being randomly inspired to do things and then actually going through with them. Well, I guess I should set my self a few goals for this. Or else this will be left to rot. Poor little bloggy friend.

Things to archive in the post: Introduce myself and write some sort of mission statement.

Now for my fabulous introduction.

Hello, darling readers! You've had the misfortune of stumbling upon the random babblings of the mythical Alice Cyder. I apologize for not being more interesting and I hope to break myself of that habit and become more epic. For being an eighteen-year-old college freshman, you'd think I'd do awesome things like have light saber battles every day. My friends and I did do that twice though. Quite fun, that was. But I can't go about doing that every day. I have things to do. Homework to finish. Online classes to kill my brain over. Things must get done so I can open up my own coffee shop and write world famous novels. Yeah, I dream big. But until that happens, I need a job so I have money to do things like go to Infinitus this summer and hang out in the Harry Potter theme park. This is my goal for the summer. Hopefully I'll get a job at Starbucks or Borders or something else that I feel is awesome.

But until I have money to go off and be epic, I won't be all that epic. Maybe I'll pull a Julie & Julia and blog about my hazardous cooking adventures for the time being. My friend and I baked a Boston cream pie recently. We hadn't realized Boston cream pies weren't actually pies, but cakes. It's a very misleading name. I think anyone could become confused on such a matter. We also made a lemon meringue pie, which really is a pie. I think that was the most fun I had ever had making a pie.

I also plan on reviewing books I read. I don't have much time to read as of late, but I hope once I get more into the groove of my class schedule, I'll find more time to read. So cooking and reading seem to be the large topics that'll be through out this blog. But I'll also have to add in a lot of NerdFighting and Harry Potter into this. Nothing is ever complete without my spazzing over Harry Potter. It's almost a daily occurrence. Harry Potter just completes my life and makes everything better now matter how suck-ish a day I've had.

Thank you Harry Potter for being my life saver.

Well, I think that about wraps things up. I've introduced myself and sort of meandered about the topic of what I plan to do with this thing. Exciting stuff. I'll try to post at least once a week. I think that's a good amount.