Today I went to a quiet corner of the library to do some homework. Now, I do this often, but today was a bit more pandemonium filled that usual.
A group of kids in their freshman year of high school showed up in my corner. I'm used to them appearing in the general area of my corner, but they don't typically socialize with me... And when I inform them I'm doing homework, this tends to happen even less. Not today. No, today was speak with the girl on the computer. And so they did.
Now, I've been out of high school for three years now. I've come to understand that I was naive all throughout my time there, never did I realize how naive I was. Two of them had scars all up their arms. I had never actually seen this before. I knew it happened, but, goodness. They were nice kids, those two. Quieter than the others. And less inclined to speak of their sex lives. Oh yes, dear reader, I got some interesting details on that.
Now, I feel it's needed to mention they're all 14 years of age. Except the one girl, she was 13. This girl actually asked me if it was normal to still be a virgin at her age.
To be honest, I was in such shock I couldn't speak. Now, I was never raised that abstinence is the only way, strongly encouraged, but if I wan't to have sex then I was free to do so with the proper "protection." I've also come to realize how far I've distanced myself from social media. I don't follow celebrities, I don't watch MTV. In most senses, I'm no less naive than a kindergartner. They sit there listening to their heavy metal. I sit here listening to Les Miserable. They go on about how their parents are never there, my mother is currently assisting me in getting set to transfer colleges. Their friends are horrible to them, my friends are incredible people whom I'd trust in just about any situation.
Am I luckier than they are? Is that what it comes down to? I can't imagine that's it. But how did I end up like this, and they like that? I'm worried for generations to come, but I think every generation comes to this feeling at some point in their life. Concerned about the ones to come after. Grant it, I'm concerned about my own generation.
I truly don't understand, and I'm not sure I ever can.
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