Friday, February 18, 2011

Little Blue Books of Stress

Tests in college are always stressful. It sort of an unwritten rule that if you aren't having a panic attack over the test then you must be dead. I've learned that mosts test are done with scantrons. As if the SAT's weren't bad enough, they now must force them upon us every time we finish a unit or it's time for midterms. But the blue book tests are worse by far.

I'd only heard of them until yesterday. The strange blue paper encased note paper in which you take your test. There aren't any questions, for those are on a different sheet, and the entire test is short answer. While I prefer short answer for those have multiple right answers and even if you BS your way through it, your bound to have remembered a few things for a few points. Scantrons either give you a right or wrong answer. BS is more likely to fail you than help with a Scantron.

Here I am, in American lit knowing that it's an open book, open source, use-anything-your-little-heart-desires-just-not-each-other test, and the booklet of lined paper is put in front me. Never in all my life have I used the entire class (one hour and twenty minutes) and then some to complete a test. I used up an entire little booklet for this test and came out still feeling a rush to do everything in a quicker motion than it needed to be done. Those booklets are the cause of college students dying young from heart failure. This is my theory.

And now I don't know what my grade is... I hope I'll know Tuesday... I bet I failed... I probably did. I don't want to know my grade...

On a plus note I wrote two pages for a story. Not sure what story, or if there's a plot. But I wrote... In red ink... In a notebook. I'll need to type it up I suppose.


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